Living, Not Just Existing

Posted by Dr. Janeel Henderson on May 31st 2021

Living, Not Just Existing

Change is one of the hardest things we do in life. I am going to be vulnerable for a moment with you. I am a lover of chocolate. Chocolate is one of my biggest comforters and also my biggest addiction. I have fought my mental and physical cravings most of my life.

As a doctor of nutrition, I want you to know I get it! When clients contact me for a nutritional consultation, there are usually two opposing frequencies:

  1. A client seeking information with no intent to change
  2. .A client seeking information with the desire and commitments to make the best choices for their life.

I don’t spend a lot of time with the first client because they aren’t ready for change. Walking away from comfortable and into uncomfortable is all about timing, one has to be ready to embrace uncomfortable to succeed at change.

I understand where this client is at, I have been there. Timing is everything. It’s not easy to hear that the things you naturally gravitate to are not serving you. It’s not easy to go through a detox or a cleansing. It’s not easy to start new habits. It’s not easy to change one’s mindset on how they perceive food to fuel their body. It’s not easy to change one's mindset to better ways.

When a client is in this space I have noticed that they don’t want it enough. I don’t spend a lot of time educating about solutions because they aren’t ready to receive.

The difference between 1 and 2 is desire. Desire is the precursor to action. It throws us into the world of change. When a client is ready to receive, I celebrate their desire to walk into change. Most of the time it is uncomfortable. I have seen clients at their lowest levels navigating through all sorts of uncomfortable.

Although change is one of the hardest things to go through, it is the very thing that strengthens us, teaches us better ways, and refines us.

Life Zone is all about supporting good habits and moving us from a good place to even a better place. The products in Life Zone support natural pathways and transition us into better lifestyles. I know from personal experience what overcoming chocolate has meant to me in my life. It is so worth going into uncomfortable. When we are open to receiving change, it will take us to better places; places we could never get to without uncomfortable.

Dr. Janeel Henderson