The Power of Positivity

Posted by Dr Janeel Henderson on Jul 30th 2022

The Power of Positivity

As I observe 2022 world events—gas prices rising, inflation, the supply chain difficulties getting needed items, the severe drought conditions that my state Utah is experiencing with enforced mandatory water reduction use; and useless violence and loss of life, at times makes it very difficult to stay in the lane of positivity.

Today I want to remind myself and others why it’s so important to choose positivity. As I think of what is at the heart of positivity to me is gratitude. Gratitude is powerful and helps me pivot rather quickly when I start in that fast lane of negativity. Acknowledging good provides hope and the courage to go forward.

I want you to think of those you fiercely love, those individuals who are at the center of your tribe (parents, spouse, son(s) or daughter(s), best friend(s) animals) etc. As you think of these incredible human beings and animals, what type of feelings are you feeling? Embrace those deep levels of gratitude, love and appreciation as you discover them deep down in your inner core of beliefs and emotions.

As I reminisce about the 54 years I had with my husband, David, I think of all of the incredible people that have taught, influenced, encouraged and stood by me with him by my side. He is gone now, but the influence, and faith from my tribe is there to support me in times of doubt or fear of the unknown. My tribes’ constant presence in my life means the world to me. I want the best for them, and I want the best for each of you to feel a part of my Life Zone family.

Each of you believes in Life Zone and what it has to offer you regarding your life, your values, your health, your happiness and the freedom that goes with health. My tribe means the world to me. I want the very best for them; I want them to have joy, love, beauty, health, success and so much more, and I want the very same thing for each of you.

So, my next question I have for each of you is how do you feel about yourself? Do you deeply love yourself? How do you speak about yourself? How do you treat yourself, physically, emotionally, and spiritually? How do you define yourself? My life has abruptly changed and it will never be the same so how do I define the new, different changed me? How do you feel about yourself as you tiptoe into the new unknown? Do I still deeply love myself? How do I speak with myself? How do I treat myself physically, emotionally, spiritually? How do I express appreciation to my Life Zone customers, friends, neighbors, my children and grandchildren?

How do you define the new adjusting you to new ideas, experiences, new habits, and a new perception?

Love is so important. Without love some people feel hopeless, sad, not worthy etc. Some are choosing to end their life and some are choosing to go on a killing spree revenge for how their life has been affected by Covid...We each have personal agency for how we treat ourselves. We can choose love or choose something different. I hope we each choose love. There are days when it is easier to choose love than on other days. If we focus on forming healthy habits with the desire to want to be healthy and happy then we can open up to opportunities as they come to us for support. Perhaps joining a support group or seeking counsel from someone we trust could be an appropriate option. Looking at our lifestyle choices may provide positive solutions to bring us closer to gratitude, love, appreciation, comfort and joy.

When I worked as a Probation Officer for troubled Juveniles, one of the first things I had them address was their eating, sleeping and entertainment choices without judgment or criticism of self; or by someone else. Sometimes this gives the courage to begin taking baby steps toward their hopes and dreams. When we love ourselves, the desire to end the hurt can be a big motivation towards change. Life Zone can be a support for restoring missing nutrients that the body requires for health.

Think about your tribe again. Visualize being surrounded by them giving love, acceptance, and appreciation to you for your talents and gifts.

How does it feel to deeply love and share all the love within you with your Tribe? It is so much easier navigating what is happening in the world when you can share it with your Tribe. Life is full of so much—it is full of love, joy, beauty, and yes pain, heartache and difficulty that refine and purify us to be all that we can be.

Are you in the center of your tribe?

I really hope so.

When we feel that deep love for our self and for our tribe, it’s easier to navigate what is going on in the world with a view of life from positivity. So here’s to positivity. Improve your health and live the difference.


Dr. Henderson